
Breaks down proteins into peptides and amino acids

GEPZYME PRO enhances protein digestion and absorption, leading to improved growth rates and muscle development. This enzyme also supports overall health by ensuring that animals receive essential amino acids for vital bodily functions.

Target Livestock
Poultry, Swine, Cattle, Aquaculture



Breaks down starch into simple sugars

GEPZYME AMY GEPZYME AMY improves carbohydrate digestion, providing animals with a quick and efficient energy source. This leads to better feed utilisation, more consistent energy levels, and enhanced performance, particularly in high-energy-demanding periods.

Target Livestock
Poultry, Swine, Cattle, Aquaculture



Degrades hemicellulose (xylans) in plant cell walls

GEPZYME XL reduces gut viscosity, improving nutrient absorption and enhancing the feed conversion ratio (FCR). This results in better growth rates, more efficient feed use, and lower feed costs. Additionally, it contributes to gut health by preventing digestive disturbances.

Target Livestock
Poultry, Swine, Cattle



Hydrolyses phytic acid to release phosphorus

GEPZYME PHY increases phosphorus availability, reducing the need for inorganic phosphorus supplements and leading to cost savings. It also improves bone strength and development, particularly in fast-growing animals, while reducing environmental phosphorus excretion.

Target Livestock
Poultry, Swine



Breaks down cellulose into glucose

GEPZYME CEL improves fibre digestion, allowing animals to extract more energy and nutrients from fibrous feedstuffs. This leads to better feed efficiency and weight gain, particularly in ruminants and swine, while promoting healthy digestion.

Target Livestock
Cattle, Swine



Hydrolyses fats into fatty acids and glycerol

GEPZYME LIP enhances fat digestion and absorption, improving energy utilisation and weight gain. This enzyme is particularly beneficial in high-fat diets, ensuring that animals can efficiently utilise fats for energy and growth, leading to better overall performance.

Target Livestock
Poultry, Swine, Aquaculture



Degrades beta-glucans in cereal grains

GEPZYME BGL reduces anti-nutritional factors, which can impair nutrient absorption, thereby improving gut health and enhancing immune response. This results in better overall health, reduced incidence of gut-related issues, and enhanced growth rates, especially in young animals.

Target Livestock
Poultry, Swine



Breaks down pectin in plant cell walls

GEPZYME PEC improves digestibility and nutrient availability in plant-based feeds, improving feed efficiency and growth. It also enhances the overall health of animals by ensuring they receive maximum nutritional benefits from fibrous feed components, reducing waste and improving sustainability.

Target Livestock
Cattle, Swine

Animal Health and Feed Enzymes

At Geocon Group, we understand the critical role that nutrition and health play in animal growth and well-being. To support the livestock industry, we are proud to introduce our GEPZYMES series, a range of high-performance enzymes specially formulated for animal health and feed applications.

Enhancing Nutrient Absorption and Digestibility

GEPZYMES enzymes are designed to optimise feed efficiency by breaking down complex nutrients into more digestible forms. Our range includes enzymes such as proteases, amylases, and xylanases, which help efficiently digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fibres. This improves nutrient absorption, better growth rates and enhanced animal health.

Improving Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)

With GEPZYMES, farmers can achieve a better Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), meaning that animals convert feed into body mass more effectively. This reduces feed costs and contributes to a more sustainable and profitable farming operation.

Supporting Gut Health

The gut is the foundation of an animal’s health. Our GEPZYMES series includes enzymes that support a balanced gut microbiome, enhancing immunity and reducing the incidence of gastrointestinal issues. This is especially important in young animals, where gut health can determine their long-term vitality.

Tailored Solutions for Different Livestock

Whether you are raising poultry, swine, cattle, or aquaculture species, our GEPZYMES series offers tailored enzyme solutions to meet the specific nutritional needs of different livestock. Each enzyme is carefully selected and formulated to provide maximum benefit, ensuring your animals receive the best possible care.

Sustainability and Efficiency

Using GEPZYMES improves animal health and contributes to environmental sustainability. By enhancing feed utilisation, our enzymes help reduce waste and lower the environmental impact of animal farming.

Here's the table with the Trade Name included in the Benefits column for easier reference: