
Breaks down starch into dextrins during mashing

Application - Mashing process

Enhanced Mash Efficiency: By rapidly breaking down complex starches into dextrins, this enzyme significantly reduces the viscosity of the mash, leading to smoother operations and higher extract yields. Improved Filtration: The reduction in viscosity also enhances wort separation, speeding up the filtration process and reducing the risk of stuck mashes.



Converts dextrins into maltose, a fermentable sugar

Application - Mashing process

Increased Alcohol Content : By converting dextrins into maltose, a sugar that yeast can ferment, this enzyme directly contributes to higher alcohol production. Balanced Flavor Profile: Beta-Amylase promotes the formation of maltose, which leads to a smoother and more balanced beer flavor, particularly in lagers and ales.



Converts dextrins and starch fragments into glucose

Application - Fermentation process

Maximized Alcohol Yield : This enzyme ensures the complete conversion of starches into glucose, the most fermentable sugar, resulting in higher alcohol yields, especially in high-gravity beers. Versatility in Beer Styles: Ideal for producing dry and high-alcohol beers, Glucoamylase offers brewers flexibility in creating a range of beer styles.


Alkali Proteases

Break down proteins, reducing haze formation and improving clarity

Application - Fermentation and maturation

Improved Beer Clarity : By breaking down haze-forming proteins, this enzyme ensures a bright, clear beer, which is particularly important for lagers and light ales. Enhanced Shelf Stability: Reducing protein content not only clarifies the beer but also extends its shelf life by minimizing the risk of chill haze formation during storage. Optimized Yeast Health: Proteases also release free amino acids, which are vital nutrients for yeast, leading to a healthier and more robust fermentation.

GEPZYME Xyloclar


Breaks down arabinoxylans, another type of non-starch polysaccharide

Application - Mashing and wort clarification

Enhanced Filtration : Xylanase reduces the viscosity of wort by breaking down arabinoxylans, improving the flow and filtration rate, which is particularly beneficial when brewing with adjunct grains like wheat or rye. Higher Extract Yields: By degrading non-starch polysaccharides, this enzyme helps in extracting more fermentable sugars from the grains, leading to higher yields and better efficiency.

GEPZYMES Protoacid

Acid Protease

Breaks down proteins under acidic conditions, used in low-calorie beer production

Application - Fermentation process

Controlled Flavor Profile : Acid Protease helps manage protein content, leading to a lighter, crisper beer with a controlled flavor profile, ideal for low-calorie or light beers. Improved Mouthfeel: This enzyme contributes to a smoother mouthfeel by reducing protein content, making the beer feel lighter and more refreshing. Stabilized Foam: In low-calorie beers, where foam stability can be a challenge, Acid Protease helps maintain a stable, yet less dense foam, enhancing the drinking experience.

Brewing Enzymes

Brewing is both an art and a science, with centuries-old traditions blending with modern technological advancements to create the perfect beer. One of the critical aspects of this science is the use of enzymes, natural catalysts that drive the biochemical reactions necessary for brewing. Enzymes are at the heart of transforming raw ingredients like barley, wheat, and other cereals into a wide range of beer styles, from light lagers to robust stouts.

At GEPZYMES, we understand the intricacies of the brewing process and the crucial role that enzymes play. Our specialized enzyme formulations are designed to meet the diverse needs of brewers, whether you're focused on maximizing efficiency, improving product quality, or exploring innovative brewing techniques. By harnessing the power of enzymes, brewers can achieve greater control over the mashing, fermentation, and maturation stages, leading to better yields, enhanced flavours, and improved consistency in every batch.

Enzymes in brewing are not just about breaking down starches and proteins; they are about unlocking the full potential of your ingredients. They enable brewers to extract more fermentable sugars, reduce unwanted by-products, and create beers with clear, stable, and appealing characteristics. Whether you are a large-scale industrial brewer or a craft brewery looking to push the boundaries of flavor, GEPZYMES provides the enzyme solutions that can immediately elevate your brewing process to new heights.

Our enzyme products are meticulously tailored for various brewing applications, ensuring that you can achieve the desired outcomes with unwavering precision and reliability. With GEPZYMES, you have the tools to create beers that stand out in a competitive market, offering unique taste profiles, clarity, and consistency that your customers will love.

Key Enzymes and Their Functions

Amylase Enzymes

  • Alpha-Amylase : Catalyzes the breakdown of starch into dextrins during the mashing process. This enzyme helps in liquefying starches and reducing viscosity, which facilitates efficient filtration and smooth brewing operations.

  • Beta-Amylase : Works on the dextrins produced by Alpha-Amylase, breaking them down further into maltose, a fermentable sugar that yeast can easily convert into alcohol during fermentation.

Glucoamylase (Amyloglucosidase)

  • Converts dextrins and other starch fragments into glucose, which is a highly fermentable sugar. Glucoamylase is essential for producing higher alcohol yields and is particularly useful in brewing high-alcohol or dry beers.


  • Break down proteins in the malt, reducing haze formation in the final beer and improving the clarity and stability of the product. Proteases also help in optimizing yeast nutrition by providing free amino acids necessary for yeast growth and fermentation.


  • Degrades beta-glucans, which are polysaccharides present in the cell walls of barley and other cereal grains. Beta-glucanase reduces wort viscosity, improving lautering efficiency and filtration. It also helps prevent issues like stuck mashes or slow run-offs.


  • Acts on arabinoxylans, another type of non-starch polysaccharide, reducing viscosity and enhancing filtration. Xylanase contributes to better wort clarity and higher extract yields, particularly when brewing with adjunct grains like wheat, rye, or corn.

Acid Protease

  • Used in the production of low-calorie beers by breaking down proteins under acidic conditions, resulting in reduced foam stability and a lighter body. Acid protease also assists in controlling the flavor profile and improving the mouthfeel of light beers.

Applications in Brewing

  • Mashing : Enzymes like Alpha-Amylase and Beta-Amylase are critical during mashing, where they convert starches into fermentable sugars, setting the stage for a smooth fermentation process.

  • Fermentation : Enzymes such as Glucoamylase and Proteases enhance the fermentation efficiency, ensuring a complete conversion of sugars into alcohol and contributing to the desired beer characteristics.

  • Filtration and Clarification : Beta-Glucanase and Xylanase improve wort and beer clarity by breaking down polysaccharides that can cause haze and filtration problems. This results in a brighter, clearer beer.

  • Flavor and Stability : Enzymes play a significant role in developing the flavor profile of beer and ensuring its stability over time. Proteases help in reducing haze-forming proteins, while Glucoamylase can be used to create a drier, crisper taste in certain beer styles.

Advantages of GEPZYMES Enzymes in Brewing

  • Efficiency : GEPZYMES enzymes optimize the brewing process, resulting in higher yields, faster production times, and reduced energy consumption.

  • Quality : Our enzymes ensure consistent beer quality, with improved clarity, stability, and flavor.

  • Flexibility : Whether you are brewing a light lager, a high-alcohol stout, or an adjunct-based beer, our enzymes can be tailored to meet your specific brewing needs.