
Catalyses the formation of covalent bonds between proteins

CROSSLINK TG improves the binding and texture of processed fish and meat products, creating a firmer and more cohesive product. It is particularly effective in restructuring meat, enhancing the texture of low-quality cuts, and producing value-added products such as sausages and surimi. Additionally, CROSSLINK TG helps reduce product shrinkage during cooking, leading to higher yields and better juice retention, improving overall product quality and consumer satisfaction.

Meat restructuring, improving texture in processed fish and meat products, creating value-added products like sausages and surimi.



Breaks down muscle proteins

GEPZYME PRO enhances meat and fish tenderisation, improving texture and making products more palatable. This enzyme reduces the need for mechanical tenderisation, preserving the natural structure of the meat. GEPZYME PRO also accelerates the marination process, ensuring even flavour distribution and shortening processing times, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

Tenderisation of meat and fish, improving texture in tough cuts



Breaks down starch into sugars

GEPZYME AMY improves flavour development by enhancing natural flavours, particularly marinades, sauces, and processed meat products. This enzyme supports the Maillard reaction, which is critical for developing desirable browning and complex flavours during cooking. GEPZYME AMY also contributes to the consistency of sauces and coatings, ensuring they adhere better to meat and fish products and enhancing the final product's appeal.

Flavor development in meat products, enhancing taste in processed foods



Degrades hemicellulose in plant cell walls

GEPZYME XYL maximises yield by improving the extraction of usable meat, leading to higher product consistency and reduced waste. By breaking down plant-based feed components more efficiently, GEPZYME XYL enhances the nutritional profile of meat products, contributing to better quality and consumer acceptance. It also reduces the environmental impact of processing by optimising raw material utilisation

Yield improvement, reducing waste in meat and fish processing



Breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol

GEPZYME LIP preserves the nutritional value of fish and meat products by ensuring essential fatty acids are maintained during processing. This enzyme enhances the flavour and mouthfeel of products by promoting the release of natural fats, which are vital to consumer satisfaction. Additionally, GEPZYME LIP aids in the production of healthier, lower-fat meat products without compromising taste or texture, aligning with market trends towards health-conscious food choices.

Nutritional enhancement, improving shelf life and quality in meat products

Fish and Meat processing enzyme

Efficiency, product quality, and sustainability are paramount in the fish and meat processing industry. Geocon Group's GEPZYME series of enzymes offers innovative solutions designed to enhance processing efficiency, improve product quality, and meet consumers' growing demand for high-quality, sustainable products.

Optimising Tenderization and Texture with GEPZYME PRO

GEPZYME PRO, our specialised protease enzyme, is crucial in tenderising meat and fish. By breaking down muscle proteins, GEPZYME PRO enhances the texture and tenderness of the meat, making it more palatable and accessible to the process. This enzymatic action is particularly beneficial in processing tough cuts of meat, turning them into premium products. Additionally, GEPZYME PRO can reduce processing time and energy consumption, leading to cost savings and improved operational efficiency.

Enhancing Flavor Development with GEPZYME AMY

Flavour development is a key aspect of meat and fish processing. GEPZYME AMY, our amylase enzyme, is a game-changer in this regard. It enhances natural flavours by breaking starches into sugars, which can be utilised in flavour formation. This process not only improves the taste profile of processed products but also creates rich, savoury flavours in marinades, sauces, and processed meat products, sparking excitement among consumers.

Improving Yield and Reducing Waste with GEPZYME XYL

Maximising yield and minimising waste are critical in the fish and meat processing industry. GEPZYME XYL (Xylanase) helps extract more usable meat from raw materials by breaking down hemicellulose, a component of plant cell walls found in animal feed. This action improves processing efficiency, leading to higher yields and less waste. You can achieve better product consistency and profitability by incorporating GEPZYME XYL into your processing operations.

Ensuring Nutritional Value with GEPZYME LIP

Maintaining the nutritional value of fish and meat products is essential for meeting consumer demands. GEPZYME LIP, our lipase enzyme, plays a crucial role in this. It assists in the breakdown of fats, ensuring that essential fatty acids are preserved during processing. This not only improves the nutritional profile of the final product but also enhances the shelf life and quality of processed fish and meat. GEPZYME LIP is particularly valuable in producing leaner meat products and healthier processed foods, catering to the health-conscious consumer.

Supporting Sustainable Practices with GEPZYME BGL

Sustainability is at the forefront of modern processing practices. GEPZYME BGL (Beta-Glucanase) aids in breaking beta-glucans, reducing the viscosity of processing byproducts and making them easier to manage. This enzyme supports the creation of more sustainable processing cycles by enabling the recycling of byproducts into valuable secondary products, such as animal feed additives. Incorporating GEPZYME BGL into your operations contributes to a more eco-friendly processing environment.

Geocon Group’s GEPZYME series offers tailored enzymatic solutions designed to meet the specific needs of the fish and meat processing industry. From improving texture and flavour to enhancing yield and sustainability, GEPZYMES is your trusted partner in producing high-quality, consumer-friendly products. Explore the possibilities with GEPZYMES and elevate your fish and meat processing operations to new heights. Contact us today for more information on how GEPZYME enzymes can transform your processes.