A microbial blend specifically formulated for the treatment of municipal solid waste.

Reduces Landfill Volume: Accelerates the decomposition of organic waste, significantly cutting down the volume of trash that needs to be landfilled, thereby extending the life of landfill sites. Mitigates Greenhouse Gases: Helps reduce methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, from landfills. Minimizes Odor: Breaks waste efficiently, reducing foul odours typically associated with decomposing organic matter


A specialised microbial solution tailored for agricultural waste management and composting.

Accelerates Composting: Accelerating the natural composting process allows farmers and waste management facilities to produce nutrient-rich compost in a shorter period, enhancing soil fertility. Enhances Soil Health: The resulting compost is rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes, which can improve soil structure and fertility when applied to agricultural fields. Reduces Pesticide Use: Enhancing soil health reduces the need for chemical fertilisers and pesticides, promoting sustainable farming practices.


A microbial formulation designed for the breakdown of industrial organic waste.

Handles Complex Wastes: Effectively degrades complex organic compounds found in industrial waste, facilitating safer and more environmentally friendly disposal. Reduces Environmental Impact: Breaks down waste before it reaches disposal sites, lowering the risk of industrial pollutants entering natural ecosystems. Cost-Effective Waste Management: Minimizes the need for costly chemical treatments or physical processes in waste management, reducing overall operational costs.


An advanced microbial mix for the bioremediation of contaminated soil and water bodies.

Restores Contaminated Sites: Efficiently degrades pollutants in contaminated soil and water, restoring them to a safe and usable state, crucial for land reclamation and quality improvement. Enhances Ecosystem Recovery: Promotes the recovery of natural ecosystems by eliminating harmful contaminants and promoting the growth of beneficial organisms. Reduces Long-Term Liability: Cleaning up contaminated sites significantly reduces the risk of long-term environmental liability and associated costs.


A versatile microbial blend for waste treatment, applicable in both landfill and composting sites.

Comprehensive Waste Treatment: Provides an all-in-one solution for waste management sites capable of handling various waste types and conditions. Odour and Leachate Control: Minimizes the production of unpleasant odours and leachate in landfills, improving overall site management and reducing environmental risks. Improves Operational Efficiency: Enhances the efficiency of waste treatment processes, leading to quicker turnaround times and lower operational costs.


A microbial solution for sewage and liquid waste management, including treatment plants and wastewater systems.

Improves Wastewater Quality: Enhances the breakdown of organic matter in sewage, resulting in cleaner effluent with lower biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Reduces Sludge Volume: Decreases the amount of sludge produced during treatment, lowering disposal costs and environmental impact. Odour Control: Mitigates the production of foul-smelling gases such as hydrogen sulfide, improving the overall environment in and around treatment facilities. Enhances Treatment Efficiency: Boosts the efficiency of existing wastewater treatment systems, reducing the need for chemical additives and lowering operational costs.

Solid Waste Management Enzymes

GEPZYMES is an innovative blend of microbial enzymes that plays a crucial role in bioremediation, particularly in managing solid waste. As urbanisation increases and waste generation reaches unprecedented levels, the need for efficient and environmentally friendly waste management solutions becomes paramount. Traditional methods, such as landfilling and incineration, are no longer sufficient to address the challenges posed by modern waste streams, which is where GEPZYMES comes into play.

Understanding Aerobic and Anaerobic Microbes

At the heart of the GEPZYMES technology are two types of microbes: aerobic and anaerobic. These microbes are the driving force behind the decomposition and bioremediation processes, each playing a unique role in breaking down complex organic materials.

  • Aerobic Microbes : Aerobic microbes thrive in environments where oxygen is readily available. They utilise oxygen in their metabolic processes to break organic matter into simpler compounds. Oxygen allows these microbes to efficiently convert organic waste into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. The method reduces the volume of waste and generates heat, which can further accelerate the decomposition process. Aerobic microbes are particularly effective in composting and other waste management processes where oxygen levels can be controlled and maintained.

Critical Benefits of Aerobic Microbes :

  • Faster Decomposition : Oxygen enables aerobic microbes to quickly break down organic matter, reducing waste faster.

  • Reduced Odor : Aerobic decomposition produces fewer foul-smelling gases than anaerobic processes, making it more suitable for composting and other odor-sensitive applications.

  • Heat Generation : The metabolic activity of aerobic microbes generates heat, which can further accelerate the composting process and destroy pathogens in the waste.

  • Anaerobic Microbes : Anaerobic microbes thrive in environments devoid of oxygen. These microbes are capable of breaking down organic materials through a process known as anaerobic digestion, which produces biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide) and digestate (a nutrient-rich residue). Anaerobic digestion is particularly valuable in waste management systems with limited oxygen, such as landfills or specially designed anaerobic digesters.

Critical Benefits of Anaerobic Microbes :

  • Biogas Production : One of the most significant advantages of anaerobic microbes is their ability to produce biogas, which can be captured and used as a renewable energy source.

  • Reduction of Landfill Volume : Anaerobic digestion reduces the volume of waste in landfills, minimising environmental impact and extending the lifespan of landfill sites.

  • Nutrient Recovery : The digestate produced during anaerobic digestion is rich in nutrients and can be used as a fertiliser, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.

How GEPZYMES Leverages These Microbes:

GEPZYMES blends aerobic and anaerobic microbes, creating a versatile and powerful tool for waste management. This combination allows GEPZYMES to be effective in various environments and applications, from composting and landfill treatment to the bioremediation of contaminated sites.

GEPZYMES accelerates the breakdown of organic waste, reduces harmful emissions, and enhances the recovery of valuable resources by utilising the strengths of both aerobic and anaerobic microbes. This dual approach ensures that waste is managed in the most efficient and environmentally responsible manner possible.

Applications in Solid Waste Management

GEPZYMES is versatile and can be applied across various waste management processes, including :

  • Waste Segregation : Enhances the breakdown of organic components, making segregation more efficient.

  • Composting : Speeds up the composting process, enabling the production of high-quality compost in a shorter time frame.

  • Landfill Treatment : Reduces the organic load in landfills, decreasing leachate production and controlling odour issues.

  • Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites : This process facilitates the cleanup of soil and water bodies contaminated with organic pollutants, restoring ecological balance.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

The integration of GEPZYMES into solid waste management offers numerous advantages :

  • Environmental Protection : Reduces the release of methane and other greenhouse gases, curbing the contribution to climate change.

  • Cost Efficiency : Lowers operational costs by decreasing the need for extensive mechanical processing and reducing the volume of waste requiring disposal.

  • Public Health Improvement : Controls pathogenic organisms in waste, reducing the risk of disease transmission in nearby communities.

  • Resource Recovery : Facilitates the recovery of valuable by-products such as nutrient-rich compost, which can be used in agriculture, supporting a circular economy.